Smashing Pumpkins: “A Song for a Son” è il primo brano di “Teargarden by Kaleidyscope”. Download, Streaming, Testo e Traduzione


Qualche settimana fa avevamo annunciato la tracklist del nuovo album degli Smashing Pumpkins, “Teargarden by Kaleidyscope“, il progetto che prevede 44 canzoni rilasciate in 11 EP dalla band di Billy Corgan. Arriva ora la conferma ufficiale ed il primo brano del primo EP che andrà a comporre questa innovativa opera.

Si tratta di “A Song for a Son“, canzone nella quale, come dichiarato dallo stesso Billy corgan, il cantante parla dei momenti in cui da adulti ci si ritrova senza figli, delle motivazioni per cui ciò accade ed infine del rapporto con il padre, sempre sentito dal cantante della band alternative rock.

Si attendono ora in seguito gli altri brani del primo EP, che saranno: “A Stitch in Time“, “Widow Wake My Mind” ed “Astral Planes“, ma nel frattempo potete effettuare il download “A Song for a Son” oppure ascoltarla in streaming.

Vi piace la nuova canzone?


This is a song for a son
This is a song for a sailor
The son I never had
This is a song for a kid
This is the song for a tailor
Who stitched up my old heart
Who stitched up my old heart

This is a song for dove
This is a song for a blown up bird
The kind that don’t return to the nest
This is a song for a star
This is a song for a space invader
Who flew into the sun
Never to return
Never to return

And I am one of many, many more to come, many more to come
And I am one of many more, many more to come, many more to come

This is a song for a son
This is a song for a sailor
The best I ever had
He sailed without map
This is a song for a kid
This is the song for a tailor
Who stitched up my old heart
Who stitched up my old heart
Before I broke it all apart

And I am one of many, many more to come, many more to come
And I am one of many more, many more to come, many more to come

You daughters of the revolution
Carry back your sons
Carry them back home
You daughters of the revolution
Carry back your sons
Carry them back home

And I am one of many, many more to come

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